
Cabot Fest 2017

Giving Thanks and Information on the ticket drawing!

October 22, 2017

What a wonderful event Cabot Fest turned out to be!  The Chamber of Commerce here in Cabot did a great job!  I do have to say I am beyond excited to have been able to share our crafts with some of the kids in our community.  Also getting to introduce so many of the families to Macaroni Kids was such a privilege.  Getting to know so many of you that are reading this now was a shear delight. 

There are times that I worry because I am so new to this.  Being able to feel the welcoming acceptance that so many showed could not have helped me to know that bringing Macaroni Kid in to our town was one of the best decisions I have made.  It has been a lot of work, but the kinks and learning curve are starting to truly straighten out.    I love to get the emails letting me know what you want to see more or less of.  Your emails about local events are very useful.  I look forward to reading each one.  So keep the help coming!  Email me at

Being that Cabot Fest was such a hit for us it has taken a little time to get all the amazing new subscribers entered!  I would love to have you all look up Macaroni Kid Jacksonville AR on Facebook so that you can like and fallow it.  I will be getting on there live tomorrow to draw the winning names for each of the set of tickets that we will be giving away.  I will email the winners and they will have 48 hours to get back to me to claim their prize.  If they fail to do so in that time frame I will draw a new winner until the prizes are all claimed. 

I wish you all the best of luck and Thank you all for helping me bring Macaroni Kid to our community!